2008년 11월 2일 일요일



p e r s p e c t i v e s


C o o g e e B e a c h C o m m u n i t y C e n t r e

model progressions stage 3

K e y w o r d s


stage 3 axonometric projections

The relationship of "Layers" (according to functionality of space)
is shown through the axonometric projections.
are layers that constitute a building as a whole.

stage 3 floor plans elevations and sections

Elevations sections and floor plans
The final program is revolved around a more sensible use of ground-lower ground space
so that the previous strict hierarchy amongst space (according to 4 functionality)
had been softened.
Moreover, the social aspect of the functionality had been given more emphasis
as a "Landmark" is a building that is engaging not only visually but functionally as well.

NURBS canopy studies

Canopy design had been the essetial form driving factor in the later steps of the project
the solution needed the canopy to give the building a
- landmark-esque quality while also being
- manageable in scale (that it remains human-scale)
around 18 canopy designs had been devised for this project
and the final canopy design had been chosen for its buildability
and realistic expectations as well as the design simplicity.

model progressions stage 2

The models were used as tools to explore and show the layers of the project.
as developed from scheme stage 1, the project has now progressed into
a complex program segregated by the 4 major functionality

The layering of functionality proposes to provide the maximum efficiency and enjoyability
to each group entity (be it the staff, the athletes, the occasional visitor)
The canopy layer is to an extension to the idea of landmark and
metaphor to the building's layering of dunctionality.
It had been explored via NURBS modelling schema developed via 3D modelling software.
various canopy designs have been devised. (refer to later posts)

model progressions stage 1

The basic theme of
- Architecture as sculpture and the notion of
- Community landmark
had been explored in this stage of the project

internal program had not been elaborated extensively
however, even in the earlier stages of the project
the basics of the program had been devised with reference
to the function (social /commercial/mechanical/operational)
characteristics of the centre.